Archive for April, 2009

the Right Task at the Right Time

April 30, 2009

A few words more about productivity (previous are here and here) with a special focus on customers.
Most of the times, you just need to focus on 3-max 4 main tasks during your day.
Most of the times, these tasks are strongly customer oriented (your boss is still a customer).
So, framing your day might avoid minor tasks and get your business done.

If your colleagues know you’re busy(=unavailabe) on mornings, so you’ll plan meetings, noising phone call, etc on afternoons… a quite day will grow up your productivity!

Jim Donovan‘s post Prime time is sacrosanct will give you a business leaders outlook. 😉

Lean Agile (thanks to Luka)

April 28, 2009

Ho apprezzato molto i post di Luka sul tema Agile e Lean Agile.
In questo tempi non certo floridi e rosei, una maggior cura deve essere posta ai processi aziendali, ad ogni livello.

Relativamente allo sviluppo, vorrei sottolineare alcuni post:
Come migliorare la qualità del codice giorno per giorno
Mantieni l’integrità del sistema: conclusioni
Guarda l’insieme: esempi
Lean Agile e i 7 principi
Processi che ti aiutano (EMERGENCY? = USE PHONE) & allegre fantasie
Soft skill (essere)

ma in pratica andatevi a leggere tuto, ma tutto-tutto, proprio qui:  Agile e Lean Agile. 😉
It’s worth it!

Technorati tags: Lean Agile, Agile

Windows7: “The permissions granted to user ‘<mydomain\myuser>’ are insufficient for performing this operation.” on report’s deploy

April 25, 2009

Windows7 … got it!
Install of Reporting Services 2008 and first configuration just completed.
Now you want to deploy the “Hello World” report you just created (and test in preview),
but you get this message back: “The permissions granted to user ‘<mydomain\myuser>’ are insufficient for performing this operation.”. 😦

Some security configs are missing somewhere.
Here is a short checklist:
first check your report project’s properties window
– properties TargetDataSourceFolder, TargetReportFolder and TargetServerURL must be filled; here is an example:
TargetDataSourceFolder: DataSource
TargetReportFolder: ReportProject1
TargetServerURL: http://localhost:81/ReportServer/

then you must set security permission in ReportManager, this way:
-run (as administrator!) Internet Explorer,
-add ReportManager base url (http://localhost:81/) to Trusted Sites Security
-go to ReportManager (http://localhost:81/Reports)
-fill in your user and check CONTENT MANAGER, then OK button
-then SITE SETTINGS (top right of the page), then SECURITY left border tab
-fill in your user and check SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR, then OK button

Similar procedure if you run ReportingServices 2008 on Windows Vista or Windows 2008.

You may find more info here: How to: Configure a Report Server for Local Administration on Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, also when your development machine is a Windows 7/Windows 2008/Windows Vista.

source: How to: Configure a Report Server for Local Administration on Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008

Technorati tags: Windows7, Reporting Services

Ricerca Operativa

April 22, 2009

Ricerca Operativa di Hillier, Frederick S. e Lieberman, Gerald J. .

Come lo stesso nome sembra suggerire, la Ricerca operativa (Operations Research) è la disciplina che si occupa della “ricerca nelle operazioni”. La Ricerca operativa è, quindi, applicata a problemi che riguardano le metodologie di gestione e di coordinamento delle operazioni (in altre parole, le attività) nell’ambito di un’organizzazione.
Questo testo, la cui prima edizione americana fu pubblicata nel 1967, è giunto all’ottava edizione e costituisce un riferimento aggiornato sulla materia.
Lo scopo degli Autori è introdurre gli studenti ai metodi e ai modelli della Ricerca operativa, mantenendo un elevato standard di chiarezza, organizzando la trattazione tramite molti utili esempi e illustrazioni, buone motivazioni e prospettive, e divertenti esercitazioni.
I concetti matematici sono stati mantenuti a un livello relativamente elementare e la maggior parte dei capitoli non richiede nozioni matematiche superiori a quelle fornite nella scuola secondaria.

😦 … 🙂

First install SQL Server 2008 & Reporting Services 2008: first settings

April 19, 2009

Here are some hints occurs frequently in fist steps after installing SQL Server 2008 and Reporting Services 2008.

During design step of a SQL Server table, you get this message in a two-buttons popup (cancel, save text file):

Saving changes is not permitted. The changes you have made require the following tables to be dropped and re-created. You have either made changes to a table that can’t be re-created or enabled the option Prevent saving changes that require the table to be re-created.

Well, self-explaining isn’t it ?
Ok ;( here is a hint:
and uncheck “Prevent saving changes that require table re-creation” option.

Prevent saving changes that require the table to be re-created

What about Reporting Services?
You’ve just run throught “Reporting Services Configuration Manager”, accepting all default configs,
but you get this error when you access both to /REPORTS and /REPORTSERVER:

The report server has encountered a configuration error. (rsServerConfigurationError)

This is a bit tricky: most likely you forgot to configure ReportServer database. 😉


Two hints in a row. 🙂

source: SQL Server 2008 Designer Behavior Change: Saving Changes Not Permitted
source: Reporting Services 2008 Configuration Mistake

Technorati tags: SQL Server, Reporting Services