Archive for July, 2009

Alter Collation in SQL Server

July 29, 2009

Change database collation (see ALTER TABLE) it’s very easy, because there are lots of tools (AlterCollation.exe ? ;)) that do the dirty work for you.

But, you have to look carefully at database links.
Yes, collation are stored in database links too, so when you change db collation you need to re-create those links. 😉

see also The Impact of Changing Collations and of Changing Data Types from Non-Unicode to Unicode

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UGIAlt.Net IV Conference

July 25, 2009

A quasi 1 mese di distanza, trovo il tempo di spendere qualche parola sull’ultima UGIAlt.Net Conference .
Trovate una reference completa, se non esaustiva, di chi e’ stato piu’ rapido di me qui: Conference di Emanuele DelBono

Le sessioni.
Come progettare l’UX – Speaker: Daniela Panfili
Argomento sensibile a tutti i presenti, Daniela ha saputo rendere chiara l’idea di cosa si aspetta il cliente, e quali linee guida seguire per sviluppare il prodotto ed arrivare all’obiettivo con minor errori possibile.
Nota: quanti si sono trovati ad acquistare un auto guardando da uno schizzo? o magari salendo su una prima versione-manichino? magari solo di struttura (telaio puro e poco altro), senza motore ed altro.
Difficile far funzionare la fantasia e anticipare il risultato finale. 😉

A lap around Mono – Speaker: Massimiliano Mantione
Argomento non di trattazione quotidiana, quindi inizialmente sottovalutata (da me!), Massimiliano ha rivelato/svelato un argomento invece molto interessante con molta chiarezza e passione;
qualche dietro le quinte (cosa si sviluppa e perche’? 😉 ), dettagli tecnici e goliardie hanno dato il giusto pepe per appassionare i presenti. 😀

Model-View-ViewModel (Open Space) – Moderatore: Mauro Servienti
Interessante anche questa sessione; l’argomento mi era ignoto, ma sviscerato in modo tale che alla fine anche io avevo capito di cosa di parlava. 😉

Code Metrics & Refactoring Strategy On Legacy Code – Moderatore: Roberto Valenti
Ottima occasione per sentire di una esperienza reale, un case study che attendevo da tempo e che ha confermato l’importanza di metriche e refatoring quali mattoni essenziali, specie per operare su grossi sistemi.

Complimenti di rito, ma reali e tangibili, a tutti gli speaker che ho potuto seguire,
ed anche a quelli che non ho potuto.

Waiting for next one… 😉

Anybody May Legally Implement the C# and CLI Specifications

July 21, 2009

I read Luka’s post Anybody May Legally Implement the C# and CLI Specifications referring to this other post: Anybody May Legally Implement the C# and CLI Specifications

Microsoft has placed C# and CLI specifications, ECMA 334 and ECMA 335, under the Community Promise which basically protects anybody implementing them in any language and in any way from being sued by Microsoft for infringing corresponding intellectual properties or patents. This is directly related to Mono, the open source .NET implementation, whose legal status was unclear until now.

Good to read this news, few days after UgiAlt.Net IV Conference … why ?
because of Massimiliano Mantione‘s session “A lap around Mono”.

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very strange summer…

July 16, 2009

is it going to rain?

source: Piove governo ladro

Plumbers vs IT aka Project vs Product

July 15, 2009

when your sink leaks, you call the plumber (of course!) and he apply the fix.
Well, is same thing in IT ?

When a customer call helpdesk to notify a bug or need a customization, what a programmer can do ?

if customer_xyz


if condition1 && !condition2

what kind of bugfix is a good bugfix? It depends!

Plumbers work on projects, every sink is unique, so every fix really exists only once,
but in IT you develop product most of the times, not projects.

and what are you developing ?

If you are working on a project, then you have only 1 instance of that sw,
so no matter what you’re writing, it will exists only there.

But, if you’re developing a product, like most developers, then you’d better think twice and find a customer-proof solution.

It’s very easy to say, but sometime you forget it, even if it’s right in front of you.

Sometimes, the easy way isn’t the right way.

Please, look at Anti-IF campaign, you’ll find a similar idea. 😉
You can apply a “if-bugfix” in a matter of seconds, but itsn’t effective at all. 🙂

ps: no matter at all with hydraulic, it was just an example, you may replace with many others. 😉