Archive for March, 2007

How to estimate quickly

March 30, 2007

I read a post some days ago about estimating: Estimating a software project in 15 minutes .

This post doesn’t tell you how to solve your time’s problems; this post gives you some hints to avoid them … or at least try to.

The part I like most is
“Never, never, never give an answer of the top of your head because it will immediately become gospel”.

Does my mind have “I’m feeling lucky” button like Google ?

I don’t think so; it’s better to take 15 minutes and think about your project.

Better than nothing, don’t you ?


Andrea Dottor aka AJAX Man

March 28, 2007

This guy is working very hard wih Ajax.

Every day he plays (for real!) with Ajax,Ajax Control Toolkit, Update panels and much more.

He’s going deeper and deeper every single day.

His latest post (italian language, sorry) is about triggers: UpdatePanel and trigger on JavaScript event – JSAsyncPostBackTrigger

(it: UpdatePanel e trigger su evento JavaScript – JSAsyncPostBackTrigger).

Very interesting!  😉

Technorati tags: ASP .NET AJAXS, UpdatePanel, Trigger, Javascript

Microsoft Acquires devBiz: Welcome TeamPlain!

March 27, 2007

Great news today: Microsoft Acquires devBiz!

TeamPlain is a great tool, something we were missing of.

Now, TeamPlain already installed.

I’m on the road.

Official links:

Technorati tags: TFS, Team Foundation Server, TeamPlain

Software Engineering with Microsoft Visual Studio Team System

March 27, 2007

Software Engineering with Microsoft Visual Studio Team System by Sam Guckenheimer

If you want to know how this “tool” works, and the way to use with profit in your project then this book is for you.
It doesn’t explain how to do your job, but how to improve it with Team System.

Design Patterns

March 27, 2007

Design Patterns by Helm R. /Gamma E. /Johnson R. “Se Design Patterns fosse un film, sarebbe senz’altro considerato a buon diritto un cult; e gli ingegneri infatti non esitano a indicarlo come un must, ovvero un libro che deve necessariamente far parte della cultura di qualsiasi esperto di progettazione di software a oggetti. Non insegna una notazione particolare, e neppure l’ultimo linguaggio di programmazione, ma spiega come risolvere in modo elegante, efficiente e sintetico problemi tipici e ricorrenti, offrendo un’inesauribile fonte di ispirazione. …”